internship synonym

An internship is a short-term position or period of employment. It may be unpaid, although some internships are paid. Interns are often students; however, this is not a prerequisite for an internship. The purpose of an internship is to provide practical experience to the intern in exchange for the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge which will assist the intern in their career after graduation.

Synonyms for internship

An internship synonym is a noun which is used to express the notion of an internship. It’s a fact that in most cases, internships are unpaid but they are often also paid on an hourly basis. The meaning of the word “internship” can vary from one person to another and can be as specific as “legal internship” or as general as “counseling internship.

  • apprenticeship
  • training
  • externship
  • practicum
  • job
  • placement
  • position
  • residency
  • training
  • period
  • training
  • traineeship
  • education preparation
  • on-the-job training
  • on-the-job learning
  • work experience
  •  trial period
  • probationary period
  • test period
  • experimental period

Antonyms for internship

  • tenure
See also  Eaton internship

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