ADB Japan Scholarship Program

The ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) is a scholarship program offered by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and funded by the Government of Japan¹. It provides an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB’s developing member countries to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region³⁴.

Here are some key details about the program:

  • The ADB-JSP provides full tuition fees, monthly subsistence allowance (including housing), books and instructional materials, medical insurance, and travel expenses. For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation.
  • The candidate should be a national of an ADB borrowing member country and Japanese ODA scholarship-eligible country, not hold dual citizenship of any developed country, have gained admission to an approved master’s course at a Designated Institution, hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with superior academic record, have at least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application. The candidate must have proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies.

The ADB-JSP enrolls about 300 students annually in academic institutions located in 9 countries within the Region². Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries².

What is Offered ADB?

The ADB-JSP provides full tuition fees, monthly subsistence allowance (including housing), books and instructional materials, medical insurance, and travel expenses. So if you’re looking to learn Java, this is the perfect program for you!

  • ADB Japan Scholarship
    Scholarship Program

    full tuition fees

  • monthly subsistence allowance (including housing)
  • books and instructional materials
  • medical insurance
  • travel expenses

Scholars engaged in research may qualify for a grant to cover the cost of thesis preparation. In special circumstances, other courses related to research, such as computer literacy or preparatory language courses, may be covered.


Eligibility requirements

Do you want to know what are the eligibility requirements for the ADB Japan Scholarship? The eligibility requirements for the scholarship are as follows:

  1. be a national of an ADB borrowing member country and Japanese ODA scholarship-eligible country
  2. not hold dual citizenship of any developed country;
  3. have gained admission to an approved master’s course at a Designated Institution.
  4. hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with a superior academic record;
  5. have at least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application. The candidate must have proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies;
  6. not be more than 35 years old at the time of application, unless waived in exceptional cases with the expressed endorsement of the Government of Japan;
  7. be in good health;
  8. agree to return and work in his/her home country for at least two (2) years after completion of studies under the Program in order to contribute to its development;
  9. not be an Executive Director, Alternate Directors, management, staff and consultants of ADB, or the close relatives of the aforementioned by blood or adoption with the term “close relative” defined as: spouse, mother, stepmother, father, stepfather, sister, stepsister, brother, stepbrother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew;
  10. not be staff of ADB–JSP Designated Institutions;
  11. not be living or working in a country other than his/her home country; and
  12. not be already enrolled in graduate degree programs.

Available to citizens of the following countries

Do you live in one of the Asia countries listed below? If so, you’re eligible for ADB Japan Scholarship.

1. Afghanistan 11. Indonesia 21. Nauru 31. Tajikistan
2. Armenia 12. Kazakhstan 22. Nepal 32. Thailand
3. Bangladesh 13. Kiribati 23. Niue 33. Timor-Leste
4. Bhutan 14. the Kyrgyz Republic 24. Pakistan 34. Tonga
5. Cambodia 15. Lao People’s Democratic Republic 25. Palau 35. Turkmenistan
6. the Cook Islands 16. Malaysia 26. Papua New Guinea 36. Tuvalu
7. the Federated States of Micronesia 17. the Maldives 27. the Philippines 37. Uzbekistan
8. Study in Fiji 18. the Marshall Islands 28. Samoa 38. Vanuatu
9. Georgia 19. Mongolia 29. the Solomon Islands 39. Viet Nam
10. India 20. Myanmar 30. Sri Lanka  


How to Applying for ADB Japan Scholarship

If you are looking for an opportunity to study in Japan, then the best place to start is by applying for the ADB Japan Scholarship. This scholarship is open to students from all over the world, and it offers a range of scholarships that can fit your budget and preferences.

  1. Applicant requests for information and application forms from the chosen partner institution
  2. 2. Applicant completes required documents[1] for application including an ADB-JSP information sheet
  3. 3. Applicant sends documents to the institution[2]
  4. 4. Institution evaluates and decides on admission and applicant
  5. 5. Institution sends shortlist of candidates to ADB[3]
  6. 6. ADB reviews submissions from institutions
  7. 7. ADB recommends awardees based on its selection criteria to the Japanese executive director for approval
  8. 8. ADB selects scholars and informs the institution
  9. 9. Institution informs all scholars
See also  Clark University Scholarships

 Application Form (MS Word) Application Form (PDF)

Important points to consider when applying for ADB–JSP:

  • No separate application to ADB is necessary.
  • The completed information sheet, together with all copies of academic records, should be sent to the institution at least six months before the start of the program that you wish to join.
  • Only candidates who have been offered admission and endorsed by the participating academic institutions will be considered for the scholarships by ADB.
  • The ADB–JSP does not cover: expenses for the scholar’s family; extra-curricular courses or training; additional travel during the course of the study program; additional expenses related to supplementary educational materials, field trips, or participation in workshops, seminars, or internships while at the DI or purchase of educational equipment such as computers.
  • Completion of the information sheet or admission by the academic institution does not mean that you have been accepted for a scholarship; you should not take any action with respect to your current employment or otherwise, until you have been informed by the institution that you have been awarded a scholarship.
  • Candidates who have been awarded ADB–JSP scholarship are not eligible for a second ADB–JSP scholarship.

ADB Scholarship Facts:

Title: ADB Japan Scholarship
types: ADB/Japan Government
Degree: Masters Degree
Study in: Asia, Australia, NZ more
Starts: The course starts in 2022-2023
Official Website:

ADB scholarship explained the study in JAPAN for FREE

Explaining what the Asia Development Bank Japanese Scholarship Program is all about. This scholarship is a great chance to spend a semester at The University of Tokyo! Tickets to Japan in hand, this video should help you get ready for your big trip! Please see Video 2 Part 1 of the series.

Part 1

Part 2 of breaking down the application process to The University of Tokyo through the Asia Development Bank - Japanese Scholarship Program

What is the Asian Development Bank–Japan Scholarship Program?

The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB- JSP) was established in 1988 and has been sponsored by the Government of Japan. The intention of this scholarship is to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of developing member countries to pursue graduate studies at participating academic institutions that are located within the Asian and Pacific regions. Upon completion of their studies, these future professionals will be expected to contribute to their home country’s economic and social development.

Is there an age limit for applying for ADB–JSP scholarships?

Yes. Applicants must be 35 at most when applying for permanent residency; however, junior or young entrepreneurs may apply with the support and recommendation of the Japanese government.

Can I apply to more than one institution at the same time?

Yes. You may apply to more than one institution simultaneously. However, you should mention this in the application form.



The maximum duration of the scholarship award is two (2) years for a master’s program.

What are the participating institutions of the ADB–JSP?

The following institutions participate in the Program:

Institution Location
University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, China
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi New Delhi, India
Hitotsubashi University
Asian Public Policy Program, School of International and Public Policy
Tokyo, Japan
International University of Japan Niigata, Japan
Keio University
International Graduate Programs on Advanced Science and Technology
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of System Design and Management
Graduate School of Business and Commerce
Yokohama, Japan
Kobe University
Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies
Kobe, Japan
Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan
Kyushu University
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
Graduate School of Law
Fukuoka, Japan
Nagoya University
Graduate School of International Development
Nagoya, Japan
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
(formerly Graduate School of Policy Science, Saitama University)
Tokyo, Japan
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Oita, Japan
Ritsumeikan University
Graduate School of Economics
Kyoto, Japan
Saitama University
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Saitama, Japan
Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo, Japan
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Tokyo, Japan
The University of Tokyo
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Urban Engineering
Graduate School of Public Policy
Division of Environmental Studies
School of International Health
Tokyo, Japan
Tsukuba University
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Ibaraki, Japan
University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand
Lahore University of Management Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
Asian Institute of Management Manila, Philippines
International Rice Research Institute
University of the Philippines, Los Banos
Laguna, Philippines
National University of Singapore Singapore
Asian Institute of Thailand Bangkok, Thailand
Thammasat University Bangkok, Thailand
East-West Center, University of Hawaii Hawaii, USA

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