best internships for college freshman

Internships can be a great way to find your dream job. We’ve provided the list of best internship opportunities for this year. Get the opportunity to get yourself connected with the best internships for college freshman top companies


best internships for college freshman

1. Google
2. Microsoft

3. Facebook

4. JPMorgan

5. L’oreal

6. Dell

7. Amazon

8. Disney

9. Hewlett-Packard (HP)

What companies have internship programs specifically for college freshmen and sophomores?

Microsoft has Explore Microsoft internship program for freshmen and sophomores.

Facebook has Facebook Careers – Facebook U for freshmen.

JP Morgan has Summer undergraduate opportunities – Freshmen and Sophomores.

Google has a couple, including the BOLD internship program and Google Engineering Practicum for freshmen + sophomores.

See also  FedEx internships

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