capitol hill internships for high school students

An internship allows students to learn new skills while earning money and gaining valuable experience in their field of study. Many internships provide students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills as they apply their career goals in the workplace.

Capitol Hill is the name of a neighborhood in Washington, D.C., that includes a large number of government buildings and institutions, including the US Capitol. It is located between East Capitol Street to the east, Pennsylvania Avenue to the north, I Street SE to the south, and Third Street SE to the west.

How can I get a capitol hill internship as a high school student?

To get a capitol hill internship as a high school student, you need to know what it is. It is an internship in the United States Capitol where students work on the Hill for legislative interns. You have to be able to write and research and analyze political issues from your own point of view.
There are some requirements that you must meet before applying for this position:
1) You must be at least 17 years old.
2) You must have good academic performance in schools such as AP exams or IB exams with grades A-C.
3) Your GPA should be between 3.0 – 4.0 on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest possible grade in every subject including math, science, social studies, language arts, and other subjects that are not related to politics such as religion or history, etc.
4) You will also need to submit two letters of recommendation from teachers or professors who can vouch for your academic ability and character which is very important because when you apply for the job, they will see if you can fit into their program which is highly competitive so don’t expect them just because you got a high GPA in school!
The internship lasts for one year and during this time you’ll get paid $3050 per month plus $500 travel reimbursement plus healthcare benefits by the US government (it’s hard to believe but true)

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