how to post an internship on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media platforms. It helps you find the right people in your industry and helps to build your professional reputation.

how to post an internship on LinkedIn

It’s fairly simple to post an internship on LinkedIn. Go to the Careers page on LinkedIn and then simply click “Post a Job”. Fill in the required information in the form. You should upload a cover letter and job description, as well as the job requirements. The latter are similar to those you would find on most job listings  – for example, a degree in journalism, experience writing for a major publication, and so on.

how to post internship on LinkedIn

As Business Insider illustrates, LinkedIn is a social network aimed at linking professionals from all walks of life to each other in order to collaborate on projects as well as any number of other things. This is why professional headhunters are so inclined toward posting job listings on the site: because it’s one of the most direct ways for them to connect with qualified candidates who happen to be searching for employment opportunities.

In this tutorial video, we will learn how to effectively post new job updates on LinkedIn and have it appear in front of our audience as a featured jobs.

how to add upcoming internship on LinkedIn
how to post internship on LinkedIn
how to apply for internship on LinkedIn
how to add internship on LinkedIn


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