where internships that are easy to get

Internships are an amazing opportunity for students to get hands-on experience in their chosen field. Internships allow you to work with professionals, learn new skills, and make great connections while you’re in school. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when searching for an internship or looking for your first one.

where internships that are easy to get

There are a lot of online and offline companies that offer internships to students. In order to get the best internship, you need to look for a company that has a good reputation and can offer more than just an internship. The other important thing is your passion for what you want to do as an intern. Some industries have strict requirements on their employees like banking, which means if you want to work in that industry, then it’s better if you have a degree or at least some experience in it.

If your goal is to become an entrepreneur, then I would suggest looking for companies that provide training programs where they will teach you how to run a business and how businesses operate so that when you leave the company, they can help promote your products or services.

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Opinion from Quora| internships that are easy to get

There is no easy way to get an internship at any company, as these companies are investing thousands of dollars and perks to an intern for a span of 3 months.

I would suggest you create a portfolio and showcase your work online. Try working on real client projects or work on your own personal projects. This will allow the companies to evaluate your application quickly!

As you’re a CS Graduate, try learning different programming languages possible. Treehouse is a good platform to learn various programming languages, they provide you with hundreds of videos and their goal base format is the best in the online learning platforms.

Once have learned the required skills, Next, apply to big companies and startups.

Getting ready for an interview – Most of the companies in California has a similar interview pattern.

Example: Initial call with the recruiter to determine your experience and interests. If the recruiter feels you’re a right fit for the company, he will schedule two one on one interview sessions (on-site or through Skype)

This process might take a week to 2 weeks depending upon the applicant type. The two interviewer’s job is to test the candidate in every way possible to determine his/her ability to work on complex projects.

If you pass these two rounds, you will be given your offer letter.


The Big Company

Think Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Amazon. Positions at these companies are competitive. It might be considered “easier” to get an interview here since they are hiring so many people and are desperately looking for interns. However, there are tons of people applying, and their interviews are hard. I know Microsoft has an on-site round that consists of 4 back-to-back-to-back-to-back interviews. Facebook also has on-site interviews, and Google is just hard. From my experience, these companies really value experience when selecting you for an interview, so it’s probably tougher to get in if you don’t have other internship experience. But getting an interview is the easy part…

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The Startup

Startup companies are going to be many pickers with who they accept. Mostly because they don’t have the space/need/resources to hire hundreds of interns. Some believe that the entry barrier is lower for startups, but I personally think they (should be) higher. This is because startups may only have a handful of software engineers, so they’re expected to do everything — from front-end to mobile to the back-end to infra to security to testing, everything! Therefore, if you were an intern, I would imagine you’d be expected to be pretty versatile as well and I’d expect it to be pretty tough to work at a startup.

The Well-known Company

This is a company that’s not enormous like Microsoft or Google, but also not sub 500 people like a startup. But it’s also a super well-known company, like Uber (2000 engineers), or maybe Snapchat (I guess it’s called Snap, Inc. now…?) or Yelp? Basically, companies that are not gigantic, but are not really startups anymore. I’d like to say that the interview process at these companies is “easier,” but I don’t think it really is. I interviewed with Yelp and had an internship at Uber, and my experiences weren’t that much different than they were with Google or Facebook.

The Unknown Company

This is probably the “easiest” place to get an internship. It’s definitely not easy, but your chances are probably higher. If it’s an unknown company, fewer people will be applying, but they still need to fill their intern positions. Therefore, they might be laxer with their criteria in order to make sure they actually have interns over the summer. The interviews might not be drastically different, but they may be a little easier (don’t quote me, I’m not positive).

These were just a couple of types of companies that I could think of. The main thing to takeaway is that getting an internship is not easy. It may seem like every company is hiring and desperate (because they usually are), but that won’t make them willing to accept unqualified people. In general, make sure you’re engaged in a lot of side projects not only because it will make your resume more attractive, but because it will really boost your skills and help you kill the interviews. Also, a tip that may or may not be valid: apply as early as you can, especially for smaller/less well-known companies. I feel that if you apply early, and they get back to you quickly, they’ll be evaluating fewer candidates at a time, so the chances you have of sticking out are larger. I’m not sure how valid that is, but I feel like it worked for me.

Good luck with the process! Be open to all the companies that offer to interview you, and practice, practice, practice!

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