why am i not getting internships

Internships offer a great opportunity for students to gain experience in the real world. This can help them build their portfolio, develop contacts, and land that dream job. We at COVID-19 have also partnered with our friends at Internshala to help you find the best internship opportunities around.

To be successful in a competitive job market, you must put yourself out there. Employers love applicants who are proactive and ambitious, but few young people know how to take advantage of these opportunities. That’s why we’ve created this list of internships to get you started. Whether you want to gain hands-on experience or just have fun, here are the top 100 internships that will help you kickstart your career

Why am I not getting any internships?

I think there are many reasons why you are not getting any internship. The first reason is that you might be a bit old for internships. I am sure, by now you must have heard about the age limit of an intern, but it is a very strict rule in most companies and so if your age is more than 25 years then it will be difficult to get an internship because they can hire only fresh graduates and interns who are under 25 years of age.
Another reason why you may not get any internship could be that your grades are too low or the company does not consider students from certain universities or colleges. You can also find out which colleges provide the best placements by doing some research on your own and trying to get into one of those colleges for better chances of getting an internship.

However, if all these things fail to help you with getting any job then don’t worry because as I said earlier this site offers good opportunities for finding work as well as helping people who need jobs in different fields like graphic design, marketing, IT, etc. If this doesn’t help then visit the Job Searching Guide. They offer a wide range of guides to help people with job search online including how to make contact with employers through email and other social media platforms and how to choose between the different types of jobs available online at present time such as full-time work, part-time work, contract work, etc..

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Well, it is kinda depressing. Since I also have approx CGPA and I am applying for a few internships which are a bit out of my league. Although I have done 2 internships so far. So I can suggest you.

Even if you are not getting an internship somewhere, work on something else. Learn something online, some language, programming, and the thing which interests you. Work for NGOs or startups. Expect a stipend but go for a position that interests you even if it is unpaid. It will help you understand if you are actually interested in the work you are doing. Keep learning new and interesting things. They always help.

Try for some reference, it’s very useful. If your uncle’s brother-in-law’s cousin is in some company you are interested in then talk to him. Ask him if he could refer you or maybe set an interview with HR. Recommendation letter from important people in the same field is very helpful. Contacts are very important. If not that then get in touch with people on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc Update your job profiles regularly.

And the most important thing, work on your CV and cover letters. If you think it’s not good enough then take the help of your friends and elders who are experienced. Make sure it’s catchy and make the employer read it.

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