Yes, there are a lot of internships available in the Netherlands. You just need to know how to find them and then apply for them.
If you have worked abroad before, you can use that experience as an advantage when applying for an internship. To get a job in the Netherlands, you will also need a work permit and I’m sure it won’t be cheap because it is not easy to get one. If you’re interested in working in the Netherlands but don’t have much experience, look at opportunities like traineeships or apprenticeships which will give you some extra training while getting paid.
It depends on the company. Some companies offer internship opportunities to students who are looking for a part-time job and some companies don’t. It is best to find out from your employer whether they have an internship program or not.
If you want to work in an internship, there are two ways of finding out if it is paid or unpaid:
1) Ask your employer directly whether the internships are paid or unpaid and why;
2) If you’re interested in working for a specific company that has no internship program, then search online forums like Craigslist where people post their current jobs and look at the number of applications they received; this will give you an idea as to how much they pay interns.
Once you know the answer, then it’s time to decide which type of internship is better for you – paid or unpaid? Paid internships usually have more benefits such as free food and transportation but unpaid internships can also provide valuable experience that would help later on when applying for a full-time job. Also, many employers prefer candidates with work experience rather than those without so make sure that you get both because one might be missing from your resume!
Answer from

To be honest the ideal situation is getting paid at all for your internship. At least when I was going for my internship a couple of years ago payment could be anywhere from nothing to 500 euro. That was during my bachelor’s though, masters can get more but I’ve never really heard of someone getting fairly compensated for an internship. The companies know you have a mandatory thing going on so they take advantage..
Based on your description of the company I wouldn’t expect you will get paid a whole lot. Who knows! Might be worth asking what they typically pay interns or finding some current/former interns on LinkedIn and asking them?
Just so you know in the Netherlands it’s not allowed for companies to pay you as an intern and make you do the same work as a full-time paid employee. An internship’s focus should be on learning at all time, this is what exempts the company from paying you minimum wage (and the reason why you’ll likely not get anywhere near minimum wage). However, if you are treated as a regular employee, which happens a lot, you are technically owed minimum wage. Now I’ve also never heard of anyone doing this but you could try to document as best as possible that (if this is the case) you are being used as cheap labor instead of as an intern where you can learn as much as possible and force the company to pay you a fair wage. I guess you’d rather do this after the mandatory internship is over for obvious reasons as the company can get fined for this.

I know people who got paid around €4k/month at Uber Amsterdam. However thats probably one of the few that pays in that bracket.

Yeah, I think it might be quite a bit different for the FAANG/Big N-type companies. I have my doubts when it comes to a 20 man shop though.

Exactly, I’ve received ~ €1000 at a consulting firm but that’s really rare already in NL. € 500 is often even a stretch. € 350 – 450 is the average I would say.