how to cold call for an internship

Internships are a great way to get yourself started in the field of your choice. From work experience to a job, internships give you the opportunity to prove yourself in a professional environment.

how to cold call for an internship

To start the cold calling for an internship, you need to identify a specific position that you want to get into. Once you have identified the position, search for job boards and company websites that might be hiring interns. You can also lookup career websites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn where employees post their experiences with the company they work for.

Once you have found out what type of internship you are looking for, use the keywords in your resume to find positions that match your requirements. Remember not all internships are paid or unpaid so make sure you research thoroughly before applying to a particular internship program.

How do I cold call companies to get summer internships?

Cold calling might not be the most effective way to get an internship these days as hiring managers and recruiters are busy these days and also might not respond well or at all to any random phone call for an internship.

Still, if you may like can try calling up the concerned person for an opportunity by first introducing yourself to your university and purpose and what you will offer to the organization, and what you expect to learn over there.

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Dropping off an email or message to a recruiter these days is a much effective method however, you can easily draft one and then also use the same template for as many companies as you wish while changing a few things here and there regarding the specific company.

This method is better because you actually have a way to get into the recruiter’s inbox and there is a good chance that they will see your message/email. Now you need to ensure that you have the right format and clear vision about why you want to join them because there are going to be many others like you who will have messaged them.

To stand out you must compose your introduction as impressive as possible which can include either your achievements or if not then tell them about how the company’s goals align with yours.

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