internship definition

An internship is a work experience that provides a student with practical training and experience in a particular field. Internships are usually unpaid and provide a valuable opportunity for students to apply their academic knowledge and skills, often in a real-world setting. The interns usually receive additional educational benefits from the company or organization in which they work.

What is an internship?

An internship is a form of employment in which the individual performs work under the supervision of an experienced professional, usually while attending school. Interns are often university students who participate in the academic programs of their employers while they are completing their studies.

How to use internship in a Sentence?

To use the word internship in a sentence, you can say, “My internship with CNN is going well.”Or if you want to emphasize the fact that it’s an unpaid job, you can say, “My internship at CNN was unpaid.”
The word internship has come to mean something like a trial period or apprenticeship. If you’re thinking of it as one of those things, then your sentence would read: “I’ve been doing my internships at ABC and NBC for years now.”

In order to use the word internship in a sentence, you need to know how it is used. The internship is an opportunity for a person who has not completed his or her education yet, to do an unpaid job that involves learning new skills and experience. This can be useful for those people who are interested in learning more about certain fields of work. For example, an intern may have a chance to learn about the process of making shoes at a shoe factory.

Another way you can use the word internship is when referring to a paid position that takes place within your school’s program. This could include opportunities like research assistantships or college credit-bearing internships. This is also called co-op because it combines employment with academic requirements.

Finally, another way you can use the word internship refers to doing something as part of your career while working full time elsewhere; such as being employed by two different companies at once. You might find yourself having this type of arrangement if you are pursuing graduate studies at university or if you’re working on your own business while keeping up with family obligations

  1. Katrina Henry:

    I don’t drink, I like to paint. I like to draw. I work out. I was a cheerleader throughout high school. I had an internship. I did research with my professor, and always had at least two jobs. I have considered myself a very successful person.

  2. Carlos Vera:

    Our goal is, how do Carlos Vera get the most hardworking, qualified applicants as opposed to the ones that can drop $ 6,000 for an internship?

  3. Ambassador Michael Steiner:

    It has been brought to my attention that you denied an internship to a male Indian student, giving ‘the rape problem in India’ as a reason… I strongly object to this.

  4. Liz Pearce:

    My kids are very happy to help me do this. Two of them are going to school online and my oldest daughter is working remotely at an internship. I think we all view this as a moment of connection with students who may feel alone, or sad because they aren’t with their families. It’s an acknowledgment that was all in this together.

  5. Angelica Varela:

    The black-footed ferrets prey on prairie dogs so it was once thought that elimination programs for the dogs, considered a nuisance to farmers and ranchers, were impacting the ferret population. Now, there was a concerted effort by the state to rebuild the black-footed ferret population. On a recent day, volunteers made their way to small-town Seligman and met for training on the first night inside a rented home in a rural neighborhood that Arizona Game and Fish uses for the operation.

See also  Externship Vs Internship

One of those volunteers is Robert Coonrod, who bought a pick-up truck and rigged it with overhead lights specifically for the nighttime searches. Robert Coonrod has been volunteering for five years.

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