Amazon internship cover letter

Let’s break down the essential components of an Amazon cover letter:

  1. Header: Begin with your contact information (name, phone number, email address) and the date. Optionally, you can include the recipient’s details (if available).
  2. Greeting: Address the hiring manager or recruiter by their name (if known). If not, a generic “Dear Hiring Manager” works well.
  3. Introduction: Start with a compelling opening sentence that grabs attention. Mention the specific internship position you’re applying for and express your enthusiasm for joining Amazon.
  4. Body: In the middle paragraphs, highlight relevant experiences, skills, and achievements. Tailor your content to match the internship requirements. For example:
    • Operations Internship:
      • “As a full-time MBA student at SDA Bocconi School of Management, I am writing to express my interest in the Summer Internship program in Operations Management offered by Amazon. Throughout my professional life, I have always had a deep passion for establishing client relationships and providing my clients the highest possible value.”
    • Supply Chain Management Internship:
      • “From these opportunities, I have cultivated the business development skills and customer focus that are essential to succeed at Amazon. My resume is enclosed for your review, and I look forward to the opportunity to interview.
    • Internship (General):
      • “From these opportunities, I have cultivated the business development skills and customer focus essential to succeed at Amazon. My resume is enclosed for your review, and I look forward to the opportunity to interview.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize your interest, express gratitude, and provide a call-to-action. For instance:
    • “I am excited about the possibility of contributing to Amazon’s dynamic team and would welcome the chance to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application.”

Let’s structure your cover letter for an Amazon internship. Here’s a sample format you can follow:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name (if available)] Amazon [Amazon Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the [specific internship position] at Amazon. As a [mention your relevant background, such as “computer science major,” “business analytics enthusiast,” or “supply chain management student”], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Amazon’s dynamic team.

In my previous roles at [mention relevant experiences, such as “XYZ Company” or “internship at ABC”], I have honed my skills in [mention relevant skills, such as “data analysis,” “project management,” or “customer service”]. I am particularly drawn to Amazon’s commitment to innovation, customer obsession, and operational excellence.

Here are some highlights from my background:

  1. [Relevant Experience 1]: Describe a specific project or accomplishment that demonstrates your skills and alignment with Amazon’s values.
  2. [Relevant Experience 2]: Highlight another achievement or skill that showcases your potential impact at Amazon.
  3. [Relevant Experience 3]: If applicable, mention any coursework, certifications, or extracurricular activities that enhance your qualifications.
See also  Internship cover letter with no experience

I am impressed by Amazon’s relentless focus on customer satisfaction and its ability to drive change at a global scale. I am confident that my passion for [mention a relevant area, such as “data-driven decision-making” or “logistics optimization”] aligns perfectly with Amazon’s mission.

Enclosed, please find my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background and enthusiasm can contribute to Amazon’s success. Thank you for considering my application.


[Your Full Name]

Avoiding common-mistakes cover letter for an Amazon internship

Certainly! Crafting an effective cover letter for an Amazon internship is crucial, and avoiding common mistakes can significantly improve your chances. Here are some pitfalls to steer clear of:

  1. Not Following Instructions: Always adhere to any specific instructions provided by the employer. Read the job posting carefully and ensure your cover letter aligns with their expectations.
  2. Using the Wrong Format: Stick to a professional format. Avoid overly creative fonts or layouts that distract from your content.
  3. Discussing Why You’re Looking for a New Position: Instead, focus on why you’re excited about the specific Amazon internship. Highlight your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.
  4. Using the Same Cover Letter for Every Application: Tailor your cover letter to each position. Research the company and customize your content to match its needs.
  5. Writing Without Research: Understand Amazon’s values, mission, and internship role. Show that you’ve done your homework.
  6. Discussing Irrelevant Work Experience or Lack of Experience: Highlight relevant skills and accomplishments. Don’t dwell on what’s not directly applicable.
  7. Failing to Highlight Strong Skills or Achievements: Emphasize your most relevant qualifications. Showcase achievements rather than just listing job duties.
  8. Talking About Salary Expectations: Save salary discussions for later stages of the hiring process. Focus on your fit for the role in your cover letter.
  9. Not Optimizing with Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords related to the internship or industry. This can improve your chances of passing automated screenings.
  10. Repeating Information from Your Resume: Use your cover letter to complement your resume, not duplicate it. Expand on key points rather than restating them.
  11. Using the Wrong Tone or Style: Maintain a professional and respectful tone. Avoid being overly casual or too formal.
  12. Failing to Include a Strong Call-to-Action: End your cover letter with a clear invitation for further action, such as expressing your eagerness for an interview.
  13. Forgetting to Proofread: Typos and errors can harm your credibility. Always proofread thoroughly before submitting your cover letter.

About Julia Leblanc

AvatarMy name is Julia. I am a Human Resource undergraduate with experience in the HR and recruitment industry. My goal is to provide you with the best chance at getting your ideal internship job

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